The AGM of the IPDSC took place in Vieena on 14th June 2010.
There are now 45 full members. The meeting voted unanimously to a transfer of engagements and athletes
to the IDSF Professional Division which was voted into being at the IDSF AGM on 13th June 2010.
It is intended that the new IPDSC Presidium, elected at the AGM and comprising:

President: Daniele Tondon (Italy)
Vice Presidents: Alexander Melnikov (Russia), Sebastian Sanchez (Spain) and Shigemitsu Tanabe (Japan)
Secretary General: Michael Shelton (England)
Treasurer: Verena Sulek (Slovenia)
Sports Director: Marco Sietas (Spain)
Ordinary Member: Ann Harding (Canada)
Ordinary Member: Ivo Kappet (Estonia)
Ordinary Member: Boris Odikadze (Israel)
Ordinary Member: Sutu Ok (Korea)
Ordinary Member: Eric Sourdeau (France)
Ordinary Member: Craig Wilson (Australia)

will serve as the Managing Body of the IDSF Professional Division until the 2013 AGM.

Delegates have been asked formally to ratify this porposal.